Free Copyright-Filter

Upload a screenshot or picture. Framespot tells you what movie or stock photo it is and the time offset.


Framespot is an upload filter, a content recognition system to identify copyrighted videos and pictures.

It operates like an image search-engine comparing uploads/hashes to a database of trillions of vectors derived from 35 billion video-frames and images.

The technology is scalable and can easily grow by factor 10,000. It may detect cropped, padded, rotated and/or derived frames.


The EU effectively makes upload filters mandatory starting August 20, 2021 (Article 17, Copyright Directive).

Framespot is a key technology to ensure copyright compliance on upload services.

It provides a content recognition system “as is” without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the authors be liable for any claim or damage.

Let's keep user uploads legal, open and free.


Founded 2018 in Vienna by technology enthusiasts.
